The Virtual Author simulates the publications’ named author – just as virtual reality simulates reality.

Taran Virtual Associates will ensure that a Virtual Author is always available to continue with a project. Never compromise on how much needs to get done due to a lack of time, retirement and ever-changing priorities.

Virtual Authors provide assistance only when needed. You can outsource as much or as little work to one or more writers as frequently or infrequently as your publishing schedule dictates. This concept of “just-in-time hiring” gives you the flexibility to minimize expenses while meeting your clients’ demand for quality updates.

The Legal Outsourcing Network® consists of over 90 lawyers across Canada. Virtual Authors can work individually or in teams. Projects with limited budgets often dictate the use of junior lawyers, yet still require the expertise and oversight of a seasoned lawyer. Our team approach provides a cost-effective solution by combining the talents of our junior and senior lawyers. We can tackle any size project within any budget.

Examples of TVA managed projects:

  • Research and update new statutory references in loose-leaf services
  • Create new content for updates to existing publications
  • Research and draft updates to existing loose-leaf publications
  • Author new editions of loose-leaf publications
  • Create newsletters and website content
  • Draft papers and presentations for legal conferences

Areas of law we service

# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
There are currently 6 areas of law in this directory beginning with the letter I.

Indigenous Law


Insurance Defence

Intellectual Property
